hi...again :/

David will fill in his front yard with mulch that is 6 inches high. Each bag of mulch will cover 3456 cubic inches. How many bags will David​ need?

plz answer quick cuz i don't have much time!! Also PLZ show work...ty <3

David will need 8 bags of mulch.


6 inches = 6 x 12 = 72 inches

72 inches x 72 inches = 5184 cubic inches

5184 cubic inches / 3456 cubic inches = 1.49 bags

Rounding up, David will need 8 bags of mulch.

that is incorrect.

We do not do your homework for you. Although it might take more effort to do the work on your own, you will profit more from your effort. We will be happy to evaluate your work though.

You could post your questions with your choices, so we could evaluate them.

so if the bot is incorrect, it should be easy to find its error ...

Hi there! Don't worry, I'm here to help you with your question.

To find out how many bags of mulch David will need, we need to calculate the volume of his front yard and then divide it by the volume covered by each bag of mulch. Let's break it down step by step:

1. First, we need to find the volume of David's front yard. The height of the mulch is given as 6 inches, but we need to convert it to the same units as the volume covered by each bag of mulch. Since the volume is already given in cubic inches, we don't need to convert anything.

2. Now, we need to know the area of the front yard in square inches. However, the dimensions of the front yard are not provided, so we can't calculate the exact area. To solve this, we'll assume that the front yard is a perfect rectangle, so we can find the area using the formula: Area = Length x Width.

3. Once we have the area, we can calculate the volume of the front yard by multiplying the area by the height of the mulch. This will give us the volume in cubic inches.

4. Finally, we can divide the volume of the front yard by the volume covered by each bag of mulch to determine the number of bags needed.

Unfortunately, since we don't have the dimensions of David's front yard, we can't perform the calculations to give you an exact answer. Please provide the dimensions of the front yard (length and width) so we can help you further.

psydag, can you SHUT UP ive literally had enough of you.