A toy rocket has a mass of 350g at launch. The force it produces is 15N and it is fired at angle of 65

The acceleration of the rocket can be calculated using the equation a = F/m, where F is the force and m is the mass. In this case, a = 15/350 = 0.04286 m/s^2. The velocity of the rocket can be calculated using the equation v = at, where t is the time. Assuming the time is 1 second, the velocity of the rocket is 0.04286 m/s. The horizontal and vertical components of the velocity can be calculated using the equation vx = vcosθ and vy = vsinθ, where θ is the angle of launch. In this case, vx = 0.04286cos65 = 0.0186 m/s and vy = 0.04286sin65 = 0.0402 m/s.
