After Joseph Smith and his brother were murdered, the Mormons

A: prepared to move to Illinois.

B: began to move to Zion.

C: moved to the East Coast.

D: began to move to Deseret.

B: began to move to Zion.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the historical context of the question. Joseph Smith was the founder of the Mormon Church, also known as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. After his death, the Mormons were faced with persecution and violence.

One major event that followed Joseph Smith's murder was known as the "Mormon Exodus." This event refers to the mass migration of the Mormons from their settlement in Nauvoo, Illinois, to establish a new home in what they referred to as "Zion" or "Deseret."

So, the correct answer to your question is:

B: began to move to Zion.

Explanation of how to get the answer:
To find the answer to historical questions like this, it is helpful to understand the historical events surrounding the topic in question. In this case, knowing about the murder of Joseph Smith and its impact on the Mormon community is key. Researching the history of the Mormon Church, including the expulsion from Nauvoo and the subsequent movement to establish a new home, will provide information to determine the correct answer. Reliable sources such as history books, scholarly articles, or official church records can provide more in-depth information about these events.

After Joseph Smith and his brother were murdered, the Mormons

Answer: A: prepared to move to Illinois.