Practice (Pg. 11) - Revise the paragraph about Carla by adding transitions.

Carla is a hardworking student. She is always prepared for class and completes her assignments on time. In addition, she is an excellent reader. She reads books for pleasure and to increase her knowledge. Furthermore, Carla is an active member of the school's debate team. She is always eager to participate in debates and is a strong advocate for her beliefs. Moreover, Carla is a leader in her community. She volunteers her time to help those in need and is a role model for her peers.

Carla is a hardworking student who is always prepared for class and completes her assignments on time. Additionally, she is an excellent reader who reads books for pleasure and to increase her knowledge. Moreover, she is an active member of the school's debate team, eager to participate in debates and a strong advocate for her beliefs. Furthermore, Carla is a leader in her community, volunteering her time to help those in need and serving as a role model for her peers.

To revise the paragraph about Carla by adding transitions, one possible approach could be:

"Carla is a diligent student. First of all, she always arrives early for class, allowing her to prepare mentally and gather her thoughts. In addition, during the lessons, Carla actively engages with the material, asking questions and seeking clarification whenever necessary. Furthermore, she consistently takes detailed notes, ensuring that she captures all the important information. Lastly, Carla is highly organized, as evidenced by her neatly arranged binder and color-coded study schedule. Overall, these transitions underscore Carla's commitment to her academic success.”

To revise the paragraph about Carla by adding transitions, follow these steps:

1. Read the existing paragraph to understand its content.

Original paragraph:
"Carla loves to cook. She enjoys experimenting with new recipes and flavors. She often invites friends and family over to try her creations. Her passion for cooking started at a young age, watching her grandmother in the kitchen. Carla always admired her grandmother's skill and attention to detail."

2. Identify the main ideas or key points in the paragraph.

Main ideas:
- Carla loves to cook.
- She enjoys experimenting with new recipes and flavors.
- She often invites friends and family over to try her creations.
- Her passion for cooking started at a young age, watching her grandmother in the kitchen.
- Carla always admired her grandmother's skill and attention to detail.

3. Determine the appropriate transitions to connect these ideas.

Transition ideas:
- Additionally
- Furthermore
- Moreover
- In addition
- As a result
- Consequently
- Therefore
- Meanwhile

4. Incorporate the transitions into the paragraph, making sure they logically connect the ideas.

Revised paragraph:
"Carla loves to cook. Additionally, she enjoys experimenting with new recipes and flavors. Furthermore, she often invites friends and family over to try her creations. Moreover, her passion for cooking started at a young age, watching her grandmother in the kitchen. As a result, Carla always admired her grandmother's skill and attention to detail."

5. Read the revised paragraph to ensure it flows smoothly and effectively connects the ideas.

Revised paragraph:
"Carla loves to cook. Additionally, she enjoys experimenting with new recipes and flavors. Furthermore, she often invites friends and family over to try her creations. Moreover, her passion for cooking started at a young age, watching her grandmother in the kitchen. As a result, Carla always admired her grandmother's skill and attention to detail."