wo students are conducting an experiment to test how height affects Kinetic Energy by measuring the splash size of water drops from different heights. The volume of water in the droplets are the same, only the heights are different. Examine the data in the table below and draw a conclusion about how height influences the size of the splash.

Be sure to support your response using the vocabulary learned in this unit.

Student height of droplet release cm diameter of splash cm
Noah 33 cm 5 cm
Allie Sue 89 cm 14 cm

Based on the data in the table, it can be concluded that height has a direct correlation with the size of the splash. As the height of the droplet release increases, the diameter of the splash increases as well. This is due to the fact that the Kinetic Energy of the droplet increases with height, resulting in a larger splash when the droplet impacts the surface.

To draw a conclusion about how height influences the size of the splash, we need to analyze the data in the table provided. We can observe that the two students, Noah and Allie Sue, released water droplets from different heights and measured the diameter of the resulting splash.

First, we can compare the height of droplet release and the diameter of the splash for each student. As the height of droplet release increases, we can see that the diameter of the splash also increases. For example, Noah released a droplet from a height of 33 cm and measured a splash diameter of 5 cm. On the other hand, Allie Sue released a droplet from a height of 89 cm and measured a splash diameter of 14 cm. This indicates a clear trend that, as the height increases, the size of the splash also increases.

Next, we can relate this trend to the concept of kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the energy possessed by a moving object. In the case of water droplets falling from different heights, the droplets have potential energy due to their height from the ground. As the droplets fall, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion. When the droplets hit the ground, the kinetic energy is transferred to the water, leading to the formation of a splash.

Based on this, we can conclude that the height influences the size of the splash because a higher release height results in a larger amount of potential energy converted into kinetic energy. This increased kinetic energy causes the water droplets to hit the ground with higher velocity, creating a larger splash as a result.

Thus, the data supports the conclusion that an increase in height leads to an increase in the size of the splash, due to the relationship between potential energy, kinetic energy, and the resulting impact velocity.

To analyze how height influences the size of the splash in this experiment, we can look at the data provided by the two students, Noah and Allie Sue.

Looking at the height of droplet release and the diameter of the splash, we can observe the following:

Noah released the water droplet from a height of 33 cm, and the diameter of the resulting splash was 5 cm.

Allie Sue released the water droplet from a height of 89 cm, and the diameter of the resulting splash was 14 cm.

From this information, we can conclude that there is a positive relationship between the height of droplet release and the size of the splash. As the height increases, the diameter of the splash also increases.

This can be explained using the principles of potential energy and kinetic energy. When the droplets are released from a higher height, they possess a greater amount of potential energy. As the water droplet falls, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, causing the droplet to hit the ground with more force. This increased force leads to a larger splash upon impact.

Therefore, in this experiment, it can be concluded that height has a direct effect on the size of the splash produced by the water droplets.