A student is told to propose a design for a device capable of producing an image like the one shown below of the interior of the human body.

Which statement BEST explains why the student should propose the use of X-rays by the device?

A. The brightness of X-rays means they last a long time once they are produced by a machine.

B. The high energy of X-rays allows them to pass through the human body.

C. The rarity of X-rays in nature means they can be used in machines without other X-rays blurring images.

D. The high speed of X-rays allows them to be used safely on human patients.

B. The high energy of X-rays allows them to pass through the human body.

B. The high energy of X-rays allows them to pass through the human body.

X-rays have high energy and can penetrate through the body, allowing them to pass through tissues and create an image of the internal structures. This makes X-rays a suitable choice for producing an image like the one shown of the interior of the human body.

To determine the best answer to why X-rays should be proposed for a device capable of producing images of the interior of the human body, we can analyze each option.

A. The statement about the brightness of X-rays is irrelevant to the question and does not explain why X-rays should be used.

B. This statement is the most relevant as it explains that the high energy of X-rays allows them to pass through the human body, which is necessary for imaging the interior of the body.

C. The rarity of X-rays in nature is not necessarily a reason to use them in imaging devices, so this statement does not explain why X-rays should be proposed.

D. The high speed of X-rays does not necessarily explain why they should be used, and the safety aspect is not directly related to the question of why they are suitable for imaging the interior of the human body.

Therefore, option B, which explains that the high energy of X-rays allows them to pass through the human body, is the best statement for proposing the use of X-rays by the device.