True or False:

About 80% of infectious disease is spread by hand contact.





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To determine whether the statement is true or false, we need to find information on the percentage of infectious diseases that are spread through hand contact. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Start by searching for reliable sources of information. Health organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), are likely to provide accurate and up-to-date data on this topic.

2. Visit the websites of these organizations and search for relevant information. Look for articles or publications related to the transmission of infectious diseases and specifically focus on hand contact as a mode of transmission.

3. In your research, pay attention to studies or reports that provide statistics or percentages regarding the spread of diseases through hand contact. Look for data on a wide range of infectious diseases to get a comprehensive understanding.

4. Evaluate the credibility of the sources you find. Stick to reputable organizations and avoid relying on random websites or unreliable sources.

Based on the information you find through this process, you will be able to determine if the statement "About 80% of infectious disease is spread by hand contact" is true or false.