True or False:

Bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoans can all cause different diseases.


about 80 percent of infectious disease is spread by hand contact; true or false.


the best way to avoid food poisoning is to:

A. Follow food safety rules.
B. Only wash surfaces After preparing food.
C. Cook everything.
D. Only eat fruit and vegetables.

A. Follow food safety rules.


A. 120
B. 720
C. 20
D. 240

A. 120


6C3 = (6!)/(3!*(6-3)!)

= (6*5*4)/(3*2*1)

= 120

which is not a combination:

A. Choosing three toppings for your pizza.
B. Lining three students up in a row.
C. Choosing three desserts from a tray of ten.
D. Choosing 5 students to represent a class of 30.

B. Lining three students up in a row.

how many ways can you choose 3 dishes from a menu of 8.