Circle M has diameter S N, radius M P, and chord T R.

Use the figure.
Which of the following represents a chord, but not a diameter, of the circle?
A. segment TR
B. segment SN
C. segment PM
D. segment SM

A. segment TR

To determine which of the given options represents a chord, but not a diameter, of the circle, let's first understand the definitions of a chord and a diameter.

A chord is a line segment that connects two points on the circumference of a circle. It is important to note that a chord does not necessarily pass through the center of the circle.

A diameter is a chord that passes through the center of the circle, splitting it into two equal halves. In other words, a diameter is the longest chord of a circle.

Looking at the given options:

A. segment TR: This segment connects two points on the circumference of the circle but does not pass through the center. It is a chord that is not a diameter.

B. segment SN: This segment connects two points on the circumference of the circle but does not pass through the center. It is a chord that is not a diameter.

C. segment PM: This segment connects two points on the circumference of the circle but does not pass through the center. It is a chord that is not a diameter.

D. segment SM: This segment connects two points on the circumference but passes through the center of the circle. It is the diameter of the circle, not just a chord.

Based on the definitions of a chord and a diameter, the answer is:

A. segment TR

To determine which of the given segments represents a chord, but not a diameter, of the circle, we need to understand the definitions of a chord and a diameter.

A chord is a line segment that connects two points on a circle.
A diameter is a chord that passes through the center of the circle, dividing it into two equal halves.

Looking at the figure, we can see that:
- Segment TR connects two points on the circle, making it a chord.
- Segment SN passes through the center point of the circle, dividing it into two equal halves, making it a diameter.
- Segment PM does not connect two points on the circle.
- Segment SM does not connect two points on the circle.

Therefore, the segment that represents a chord, but not a diameter, of the circle is segment TR.

The correct answer is: A. segment TR