Which is formed when sediment is deposited into the still water of a lake or ocean?


The correct answer is B. delta.

Please tell me how you do on your quiz :)

ok ty!

... i got a 40% 2/5 and i cant even see what i got wrong

ooooh thats bad sorry:(

its fine now ive tried 5 out of 3 tries on this if only yall understood how pearson works in earth science its hard to explain.

The correct answer is delta. A delta is formed when sediment, such as sand, silt, and clay, is deposited into the still water of a lake or ocean. Deltas typically occur at the mouth of a river, where the water flow slows down, causing the sediment to settle and accumulate over time. Deltas often have a triangular or fan-like shape and can be seen as landforms extending out into the body of water.
