Which sentence includes an allusion?

"He was a modern-day Hercules."

Look it upppp

Oops sorry I pressed on my lil bros text message and I tried typing to him and it transferred to here

3 examples u can pick that Sarah worked like Cinderella until all of her chores were done.

She showed up looking like Venus.

The smell of donuts is like kryptonite to me.

Hope this helps!

help me please

Which best describes river erosion?

A.Heavy rains overflow river banks and flood nearby flood plains.
B.Sediment is pushed by flowing water to the river’s edge.
C.Rivers dry up, causing lakes to form.
D.River water carries sediment from mountains to oceans.

To identify a sentence that includes an allusion, you need to understand what an allusion is. An allusion is a figure of speech that makes a reference to a person, place, event, or literary work. It can be direct or indirect and relies on the reader's or listener's familiarity with the reference being made.

To find a sentence that includes an allusion, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the sentences provided to you.
2. Determine if any part of the sentence is referencing something outside of its literal meaning.
3. See if you can identify the person, place, event, or literary work being referenced.
4. If you find a sentence that meets these criteria, it likely includes an allusion.

Now, applying this process to the sentences you have, you can try to identify the one that includes an allusion.