One angle of a parallelogram is 69 degrees. Find all the angles of the parallelogram.

The other three angles of the parallelogram must add up to 360 degrees. Therefore, the other three angles must be 111 degrees, 111 degrees, and 80 degrees.

Well, aren't we getting all angled up in here! Now, let's talk about parallelograms. Remember, a parallelogram has opposite sides that are equal in length and opposite angles that are congruent. So, if one angle is 69 degrees, we can determine the other angles by using some good old-fashioned math.

Since opposite angles in a parallelogram are equal, we know that the opposite angle to our 69-degree angle is also 69 degrees. This means we now have two angles down.

Now, we just have to find the remaining two angles. Since the sum of the angles in any quadrilateral is 360 degrees, we can subtract the sum of the two known angles from 360 to find the total of the remaining two angles.

360 - (69 + 69) = 153

So, each of the remaining angles is 153 degrees.

To sum it all up, the angles of our parallelogram are 69 degrees, 69 degrees, 153 degrees, and 153 degrees. Voila!

To find all the angles of a parallelogram, we need to use the fact that opposite angles in a parallelogram are equal.

We are given that one angle of the parallelogram is 69 degrees. Let's call this angle A.

Since opposite angles are equal, the opposite angle to A will also be 69 degrees. Let's call this angle B.

So, we have two angles of the parallelogram: A = 69 degrees and B = 69 degrees.

To find the remaining angles, we can use the fact that the sum of the interior angles of a parallelogram is always 360 degrees.

The sum of angles A, B, C, and D will be equal to 360 degrees.

So, A + B + C + D = 360 degrees.

Substituting in the values we already know, we have:
69 + 69 + C + D = 360

Simplifying, we get:
138 + C + D = 360

To find C and D, we subtract 138 from both sides of the equation:
C + D = 360 - 138
C + D = 222

Since opposite angles in a parallelogram are equal, C and D will also have the same measure. We can represent them both as x.

Therefore, we have:
C = x
D = x

Substituting these values back into the equation C + D = 222, we get:
x + x = 222
2x = 222
x = 111

So, the remaining angles of the parallelogram are:
C = 111 degrees
D = 111 degrees

To summarize, all the angles of the parallelogram are:
A = 69 degrees
B = 69 degrees
C = 111 degrees
D = 111 degrees

To find all the angles of the parallelogram, we need to understand the properties of a parallelogram. In a parallelogram, opposite angles are equal.

Given that one angle of the parallelogram is 69 degrees, we know the opposite angle is also 69 degrees. So, we have two angles of the parallelogram.

To find the remaining two angles, we can use the fact that the sum of the interior angles of any quadrilateral is 360 degrees. Since a parallelogram is a special type of quadrilateral, the sum of its interior angles will also be 360 degrees.

Let's denote the remaining two angles as A and B. To find their values, we can use the equation:

69 + 69 + A + B = 360

Simplifying the equation:

138 + A + B = 360

A + B = 360 - 138

A + B = 222

Therefore, the sum of the remaining two angles (A and B) is 222 degrees.

Since opposite angles in a parallelogram are equal, we can conclude that

A = 69 degrees

B = 222 - 69 = 153 degrees

Thus, the angles of the parallelogram are 69 degrees, 69 degrees, 153 degrees, and 153 degrees.