In which line of poetry does the author use rhyme to connect words and emphasize their meanings?

Fiona fretted and paced, and feared for the future.
Nathan was man of his word, and a man who came through.
Tanya climbed each rung of the corporate ladder, while those around her grew anxious and madder.
Lin watched and he listened until his senses were sharp, like dogs at the airport trained for special security.

The last line of the poem uses rhyme to connect words and emphasize their meanings: "sharp, like dogs at the airport trained for special security."

To determine which line of poetry uses rhyme to connect words and emphasize their meanings, we need to identify the lines that have similar sounds at the end of certain words. Rhyme is a technique in poetry where the ending sounds of two or more words are identical or similar. Let's examine the given lines:

1. Fiona fretted and paced, and feared for the future.
In this line, there is no rhyme present.

2. Nathan was man of his word, and a man who came through.
This line does not utilize rhyme either.

3. Tanya climbed each rung of the corporate ladder, while those around her grew anxious and madder.
Here, "madder" rhymes with "ladder," creating a rhyme pattern.

4. Lin watched and he listened until his senses were sharp, like dogs at the airport trained for special security.
This line does not contain any rhyme.

Therefore, the line that uses rhyme to connect words and emphasize their meanings is:

3. Tanya climbed each rung of the corporate ladder, while those around her grew anxious and madder.

In the given options, the line of poetry that uses rhyme to connect words and emphasize their meanings is:

Tanya climbed each rung of the corporate ladder, while those around her grew anxious and madder.