What is an Inuit religious belief?

A. Divination
B. Human Sacrifice
C Animism
D. Sun Worship

I think Animism is the correct answer.

B. Human sacrifice I think

Never mind @?????????????????????? is correct

its animism

You are correct, Animism is a key religious belief of the Inuit people. Animism is the belief that all things, including animals, plants, and inanimate objects, have their own individual spirits or souls. Inuit people view their environment as being inhabited by a variety of spiritual beings, and they believe in the interconnectedness of all living and non-living things. This belief system includes respect and reverence for nature, as well as practices such as shamanism, where a shaman acts as a mediator between humanity and the spirit world. To arrive at this answer, you may have gathered information about the religious beliefs of the Inuit people through research, studying cultural anthropology, or learning from firsthand accounts or historical records.