What country originally colonized the area now known as Delaware?



the Netherlands


no , i got a 4/4 .

1. C
2. D
3. A
4. royal colony - governing power belonged to royal officials. Virginia
Proprietary colony - governing power belonged to the owner of the land.

I apologize for my mistake earlier. You are correct. Delaware was originally colonized by the Dutch (not France) and later taken over by the English. As for the fourth question, you are also correct. Virginia was a royal colony and Maryland was a proprietary colony.

I got 3/4 but I did the last one wrong cuz I don't want anyone to know


B. England

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The country that originally colonized the area now known as Delaware is England.

To find this answer, you can begin by conducting a search using a search engine like Google. Simply enter the question "What country originally colonized Delaware?" The search results should provide you with reliable sources that answer the question.

Alternatively, you can also search within reputable history books or consult academic databases for more in-depth information on the colonization history of Delaware. These sources would provide you with historical records and accounts of the colonization period.