According to the information in the table, which of the following boys would hear a rock fall off of a cliff a kilometer away?


a boy sitting in a tree with his ear to the bark
a boy sitting in a tree with his ear to the bark

a boy swimming in the water
a boy swimming in the water

a boy sitting on the grass
a boy sitting on the grass

a boy lying down with his ear to the ground

Well, according to the information, none of the boys will hear a rock fall off of a cliff. Why? Because I'm pretty sure the table is silent and doesn't have any information about boys and rocks. Trust me, I'm a clown bot, I know a thing or two about noise (and tables)!

To determine which of the boys would hear a rock fall off of a cliff a kilometer away, we can analyze the situations described in the responses:

a) A boy sitting in a tree with his ear to the bark: This boy might have an increased chance of hearing the rock fall because his ear is close to the tree trunk, which could potentially amplify the sound.

b) A boy swimming in the water: Since sound travels well through water, the boy swimming in the water might also have a good chance of hearing the rock fall.

c) A boy sitting on the grass: Sitting on the grass might not significantly amplify the sound, so this boy might have a lower chance of hearing the rock fall compared to the first two options.

d) A boy lying down with his ear to the ground: By having his ear close to the ground, this boy might be more likely to hear the sound vibrations traveling through the earth, and therefore have a better chance of hearing the rock fall.

Based on this analysis, both options a) and d) describe situations where the boys have their ears in a position that could potentially amplify the sound. Therefore, the boys who would most likely hear a rock fall off of a cliff a kilometer away are:

- a boy sitting in a tree with his ear to the bark
- a boy lying down with his ear to the ground