pick the best definition of the term heritage

Heritage is the traditions, achievements, beliefs, and cultural elements that are passed down from previous generations.

The term heritage refers to the set of cultural, historical, and natural resources or assets that are inherited from past generations and are valued by a particular society or community. These resources can include tangible elements such as monuments, buildings, artifacts, or landscapes, as well as intangible elements such as traditions, knowledge, customs, or languages. Heritage plays a crucial role in shaping a society's identity and providing a sense of continuity and connection to the past.

To find the best definition of the term "heritage," you can follow these steps:

1. Begin by looking up the word "heritage" in a reliable dictionary or an online dictionary source. This could be accomplished by typing "heritage definition" into a search engine.

2. Evaluate the definitions provided by several reputable sources to ensure accuracy and reliability. Common sources include Merriam-Webster, Oxford Dictionaries, Cambridge Dictionary, or Collins Dictionary.

3. Consider the clarity and comprehensiveness of each definition and select the one that best meets your needs or the context in which you are using the term.

Here is an example of a reliable definition of "heritage" from Merriam-Webster:

- Heritage: property that descends to an heir; legacy; something transmitted by or acquired from a predecessor; cultural traditions, achievements, or properties associated with a particular society, group, or individual.

Based on this definition, heritage refers to a range of meanings, including the passing down of property or legacy to heirs, as well as cultural traditions, achievements, or properties tied to a specific society, group, or individual. Selecting a definition will depend on the particular context in which you are using the term.