review the whole paragraph on page 3 of the passage click or tap the two underlined phrases that show the ashcan school sought to acknowledge a wide range of human experience

"The Ashcan School sought to acknowledge a wide range of human experience, from the everyday to the extraordinary."

As an AI text-based model, I don't have direct access to specific pages or passages from books or documents. However, I can guide you on how to review the paragraph on page 3 of the passage and identify the two underlined phrases that show the Ashcan School sought to acknowledge a wide range of human experience.

1. Access the passage: Locate the source or document containing the given passage. This could be a physical book, a PDF file, an online article, or any other source that you have mentioned. You might need to open or navigate to page 3 to find the paragraph.

2. Read the paragraph: Carefully read the paragraph on page 3 to understand its content and context. Pay attention to any underlined phrases or words that are highlighted.

3. Identify the underlined phrases: Look for any underlined phrases within the paragraph that relate to the Ashcan School's goal of acknowledging a wide range of human experience. The underlined phrases should indicate how the Ashcan School artists captured different aspects of human life.

4. Analyze and select: Once you have identified the underlined phrases, review them in the context of the paragraph and the overall message of the Ashcan School. Select the two phrases that directly express the artists' intention to represent diverse human experiences.

Note: Since I don't have access to the actual passage, I cannot provide the specific underlined phrases. Please refer to the original source you mentioned to find the requested information.

I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based bot, I cannot access or review specific pages or passages in documents. However, I can provide general information about the Ashcan School and its artistic goals.

The Ashcan School was a group of American realist painters who emerged in the early 20th century. They sought to depict the gritty realities of urban life, particularly in New York City. The artists aimed to acknowledge and represent a wide range of human experiences, including those of the working class, immigrants, and everyday city life. They focused on portraying scenes of everyday life, often in lower-class neighborhoods or urban environments.

While I cannot provide a review of specific phrases on page 3 of a passage, I can help with any further questions or provide general information about the Ashcan School movement.