Can someone check my answers? Mine have the '**' on them.

Which two ideas below should be included in the introduction of a story about ducklings that are trying to find their mother on a big lake? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)

Information about how ducklings migrate with their families.

The problem the ducklings face when hiding from boats on the water.

The details about how the ducklings have found their mother.**

A description of each of the ducklings and their personalities.

The location of where the ducklings are on the lake.**

To find the correct answers to this question about the introduction of a story about ducklings trying to find their mother on a big lake, we need to carefully read the options and apply our understanding of story introductions.

1. Information about how ducklings migrate with their families: This option provides general information about ducklings' migration but does not directly relate to the specific story of finding their mother on a big lake. Therefore, this option is not one of the correct answers.

2. The problem the ducklings face when hiding from boats on the water: This option introduces a problem that the ducklings face while trying to find their mother on the big lake. This sets up the conflict and adds interest to the story. Hence, this is a correct answer.

3. The details about how the ducklings have found their mother: This option provides information about the resolution of the story, where the ducklings find their mother. However, in an introduction, it is more appropriate to provide background information and set up the story rather than revealing the resolution upfront. Therefore, this option is not one of the correct answers.

4. A description of each of the ducklings and their personalities: While it can be interesting to include descriptions of the ducklings and their personalities, the introduction of the story generally focuses on setting the scene and introducing the main conflict. Therefore, this option is not one of the correct answers.

5. The location of where the ducklings are on the lake: This option describes the location of the ducklings, which helps to set the scene and provide context for the story. It is relevant to include this information in the introduction. Hence, this is a correct answer.

So, the two correct answers for the introduction of a story about ducklings trying to find their mother on a big lake are:

- The problem the ducklings face when hiding from boats on the water.
- The location of where the ducklings are on the lake.