What is the geographic location of Tegucigalpa?

1. In a valley
2. on a mountaintop
3. on an island

La ubicación geográfica de Tegucigalpa es en un valle.

Tegucigalpa is located in a valley.

The geographic location of Tegucigalpa is in a valley. To find this information, you can use various resources such as:

1. Online search engines: You can search for "geographic location of Tegucigalpa," and the search results will likely provide you with the answer.

2. Maps: You can use online maps or physical maps to locate Tegucigalpa. By zooming in on the city, you can observe the surrounding topography, which will help you determine if it is located in a valley, on a mountaintop, or on an island.

3. Geographical reference books or encyclopedias: Consult books or encyclopedias focused on geography or specific regions to get accurate information about the location of Tegucigalpa.

By utilizing these resources, you can easily obtain the answer that Tegucigalpa is situated in a valley.