PLEASE HELP!!!!! Read the following supporting sentences from a process paragraph. Then, choose the topic sentence and clincher sentence that would best complete the paragraph.

First, make four-inch-by-six-inch prints of all the pictures you'd like to have in the album. Then, go to a craft store and pick out an empty photo book that will be big enough. Once you get home, start putting pictures into the photo album slots.

Topic sentence: It can be easy and fun to make a family photo album.
Clincher sentence: When you finish this fun and easy activity, you have a lovely book of family photos to display.

Topic sentence: Photo albums are a good addition to any coffee table.
Clincher sentence: Anyone can make a photo album.

Topic sentence: Don't let your family pictures go to waste.
Clincher sentence: Enjoy looking at all of your family pictures!

None of the above are correct.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the main idea of the supporting sentences. The supporting sentences mention the steps involved in making a family photo album, such as printing the pictures and putting them into an album.

Option A has a topic sentence that aligns with the main idea of the supporting sentences, which is about making a family photo album. The clincher sentence also provides a satisfying conclusion to the paragraph by emphasizing the end product of the activity.

Option B and C do not accurately capture the main idea of the supporting sentences. Option B discusses photo albums in general, rather than specifically focusing on the process of making a family photo album. Option C mentions not letting family pictures go to waste, which is not the main idea of the paragraph.

Therefore, the correct answer is A.