Two supplementary angles are ∠ABC=135° and ∠CBD=9x°. What is the equation to solve for x

A: 9x + 135 = 90

B: 9x + 135 = 180

C: 9x − 135 = 180

D: 9x = 180

The answer is B

To find the equation that can be used to solve for x, we need to use the fact that supplementary angles add up to 180 degrees.

In this given problem, ∠ABC and ∠CBD are supplementary angles. So, we can write the equation as follows:

∠ABC + ∠CBD = 180°

Substitute the given values:

135° + 9x° = 180°

Simplify the equation:

9x + 135 = 180

Now, let's compare this equation with the answer choices:

A: 9x + 135 = 90 (This is not the same equation as above.)
B: 9x + 135 = 180 (This is the same equation as above.)
C: 9x − 135 = 180 (This equation doesn't match with our equation.)
D: 9x = 180 (This equation doesn't include the angle measure 135°.)

Therefore, the correct equation to solve for x is:

B: 9x + 135 = 180

The bot isn't answering correctly no more hayiaaaaa

did you mean c

thank you for the answer

− 135

Answer: D: 9x = 180 − 135