Which elements would be included in a fictional mystery? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)


inventions and discoveries of the future
inventions and discoveries of the future

a puzzle for readers to try and answer
a puzzle for readers to try and answer

true events and real people
true events and real people

detectives attempting to solve a case
detectives attempting to solve a case

imagery and figurative language

The correct answers would be:

1) a puzzle for readers to try and answer: In a fictional mystery, there is often a central puzzle or question that the reader is invited to solve along with the characters.
2) detectives attempting to solve a case: Typically, fictional mysteries involve detectives or investigators who are trying to solve a crime or unravel a mysterious event.

To arrive at these answers, it is important to understand the basic elements of a fictional mystery. Fictional mysteries are a genre of literature or storytelling where an unresolved event or puzzle lies at the center of the narrative. The story typically involves detectives or investigators who are trying to solve the mystery, often through the collection and analysis of clues and evidence. Additionally, the presence of a puzzle for readers to engage with is another key characteristic of a mystery story.

By carefully reading and analyzing the given options, we can eliminate those that do not align with the characteristics of a fictional mystery. Inventions and discoveries of the future may be elements of science fiction rather than mystery, while true events and real people may be more associated with historical or biographical genres. Finally, while imagery and figurative language can enhance the storytelling in a mystery, they are not exclusive to this genre.

imagery and figurative language

The correct answers are:

1. A puzzle for readers to try and answer
2. Detectives attempting to solve a case