1. What is shown in the picture below?

Answer: A population because there are multiple members of one species.

2. Why does the following picture show a community?
Answer: This shows a community because multiple populations are interacting with each other.

3. Which statement describes an ecosystem?
Answer: Plants in a lake use carbon dioxide in the water to create energy and oxygen. Fish use the oxygen to breathe and eat the plants.

4. Which of the following is true about biomes?
Answer: Biomes can have many ecosystems within them.

You're welcome!

1 - A population because there are multiple members of one species.

2 - Why does the following picture show a community?
Answer: This shows a community because multiple populations are interacting with each other.

3 - Which statement describes an ecosystem?
Answer: Plants in a lake use carbon dioxide in the water to create energy and oxygen. Fish use the oxygen to breathe and eat the plants.

4 - Which of the following is true about biomes?
Answer: Biomes can have many ecosystems within them.

You're welcome!