What does this mean? "Her stomach dropped like a free-falling elevator"

This phrase is used to describe a feeling of intense fear or dread. It is a metaphor that suggests that the person's stomach is falling rapidly, like an elevator that has suddenly dropped.

The phrase "Her stomach dropped like a free-falling elevator" is a simile, which means it is comparing two things using "like" or "as." In this case, it is describing a feeling of intense fear or sudden surprise. The image being depicted is that of a person's stomach feeling like it is rapidly descending, similar to the sensation one might experience when riding in an elevator that is suddenly dropping.

Similes are a literary device that help create vivid descriptions by making comparisons. To understand the meaning of this simile, you can break it down:

1. "Her stomach dropped": This phrase suggests a sudden feeling of heaviness or sinking sensation in the pit of her stomach. It implies that something shocking or distressing has happened, causing her to feel a strong emotional response.
2. "Like a free-falling elevator": The simile compares the feeling in her stomach to the experience of being in an elevator that is falling rapidly without control. This emphasizes the intensity and suddenness of the emotion she is experiencing.

Overall, this simile conveys a powerful and visceral description of the character's emotional state.

The phrase "Her stomach dropped like a free-falling elevator" is a simile, which means it is a figure of speech that makes a comparison using the word "like" or "as." In this case, it is describing the sensation or feeling someone experiences when their stomach suddenly feels heavy or sinks, often due to fear, surprise, or a strong emotion. The simile compares this sensation to what it feels like when an elevator goes into free fall, causing a sudden drop in the stomach similar to the feeling of weightlessness. Overall, it suggests that the person is experiencing a sudden and intense reaction.