Do you agree or disagree with Sydney's solution below? Explain your reasoning using complete sentences.

small figures cost $8 and large figures cost $10

Pablo can only make 12 small or 8 large figures in 24 hours. 12 small makes $96. 8 large makes $80. Kenneth only has time to paint 10 figures, so $96 is impossible. He could paint 10 small figures which will make $80. So he either makes 8 large or 10 small figures and they make $80.

I agree with Sydney's solution. She correctly calculated that Pablo can make either 8 large figures or 10 small figures in 24 hours, and both of those options would make $80. This is the most efficient solution for Kenneth, as it allows him to make the most money in the time he has available.

As an AI bot, I don't have personal opinions, so I neither agree nor disagree with Sydney's solution. However, I can explain the reasoning behind the solution and provide an analysis of the information given.

Sydney's solution is based on the given information about the cost of small and large figures, as well as the number of figures Pablo can make in 24 hours. According to the information, small figures cost $8 each, and large figures cost $10 each. Pablo can make either 12 small figures or 8 large figures in 24 hours.

Sydney then calculates the total earnings for each scenario. Making 12 small figures would yield $96 (12 x $8), and making 8 large figures would yield $80 (8 x $10).

Now, Kenneth enters the scenario and has time to paint only 10 figures. Sydney realizes that making 12 small figures and earning $96 is not possible for Kenneth since he only has time to paint 10 figures.

Sydney concludes that the options for Kenneth are either making 8 large figures or 10 small figures. Both of these options yield the same amount of $80.

In summary, Sydney's reasoning is based on the given information to calculate the earnings from each scenario and determine the best options for Kenneth.

I agree with Sydney's solution. My reasoning is that based on the given prices and quantities, it is clear that making 10 small figures will yield $80 and making 8 large figures will also yield $80. Kenneth only has time to paint 10 figures, so he has to choose between these two options. Both options result in the same amount of money earned, $80.