Experiencing: Imagine yourself as Elisa, from "The Chrysanthemums," and write an essay describing what your life is like 10 years after this story takes place

I'm lost

To start, let's first understand the story of "The Chrysanthemums" by John Steinbeck. This short story follows Elisa Allen, a woman who lives a lonely and unfulfilling life on a ranch with her husband. She is a strong, talented gardener, and her pride and joy are her chrysanthemums. A tinker, a traveling repairman, sparks her imagination and awakens her desire for adventure and a more fulfilling life, but ultimately, she realizes the limitations of her circumstances and returns to her routine.

Now, to imagine Elisa's life 10 years after the story, we need to consider her personality, desires, and the era in which the story is set.

1. Reflect on Elisa's personality and desires: Throughout the story, Elisa expresses a yearning for connection, adventure, and self-expression. She is passionate about her work with flowers and seeks recognition and appreciation for her skills. These aspects of her character will influence her future.

2. Consider the era: "The Chrysanthemums" is set in the early 20th century, a time when societal expectations limited women's opportunities. Women were typically confined to domestic roles, and their desires for personal and professional growth were often suppressed.

Given these factors, here's one possible scenario for Elisa's life 10 years after the story:

Ten years later, Elisa's life sees some changes brought about by shifting societal dynamics. Women's roles have evolved, and more opportunities for education and employment have emerged. Elisa has managed to break free from her previous limitations and has pursued her passion for gardening.

Having expanded her skills and knowledge, Elisa becomes a renowned horticulturist in her region. She establishes her own flower nursery, specializing in rare and exotic plant species. Through hard work, determination, and a keen sense of business, Elisa becomes a successful entrepreneur.

This newfound success brings Elisa recognition for her talent and expertise. She is invited to speak at gardening conferences, workshops, and seminars around the country. Her contributions to the field of horticulture are recognized and published in leading gardening magazines, solidifying her status as an authority in her field.

On a personal level, Elisa's journey of self-discovery and growth has also enabled her to develop stronger self-confidence and assertiveness. She learns to voice her opinions and advocate for herself and other women pursuing their dreams. Elisa becomes an inspirational figure for other women seeking to break free from societal confines.

While Elisa's life has transformed in many positive ways, she still battles occasional moments of melancholy and nostalgia. The memory of the tinker and the yearning for an adventure beyond her reach still linger within her. However, she has come to accept that some desires are impractical or unattainable, and she focuses her energy on appreciating the beauty and fulfillment in the life she has built.

Remember, this imagined future for Elisa is just one possibility among many. As a writer, you can draw from different perspectives, themes, and contexts in the story to create an alternative future that resonates with you. Utilize Steinbeck's characterization of Elisa, her desires, and the historical backdrop to shape her journey in a way that captures your unique insights and creativity.