Read the quotation from Mohandas Gandhi and answer the question.

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

Based on the quotation, with which statement would Gandhi have MOST LIKELY agreed?
The only way to end inequality is through revolution.

One must accept the reality in which one lives.

Injustice must be responded to with great force.

Violent actions will not produce positive change.

D. Violent actions will not produce positive change.

Based on the quotation, Gandhi would have MOST LIKELY agreed with statement D: "Violent actions will not produce positive change."

To arrive at this conclusion, it is important to understand the meaning behind the quotation. "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" is a phrase often attributed to Gandhi, emphasizing the negative consequences of seeking revenge and perpetuating violence. Gandhi advocated for nonviolent resistance as a means to oppose injustice, discrimination, and inequality.

To answer the question, one must analyze the options and consider which aligns with Gandhi's belief in nonviolence. Option A suggests that revolution is the only way to end inequality, but Gandhi was known for his emphasis on peaceful methods rather than violent overthrow. Option B, stating that one must accept the reality they live in, is not necessarily aligned with Gandhi's philosophy of actively working to change unjust realities. Option C, suggesting that great force is necessary to respond to injustice, contradicts Gandhi's belief in nonviolence.

Therefore, option D, which states that violent actions will not produce positive change, aligns most closely with Gandhi's message of nonviolence and would be the statement with which he would most likely agree.

Based on the quotation, Gandhi would MOST LIKELY agree with statement D. Violent actions will not produce positive change.