Summarizing Quick Check

1 of 51 of 5 Items
Which term best fits the following sentence?

You are being ________ in a summary when you have given the facts, details, and plot points without showing your opinion.

(1 point)





To determine the answer to this question, we need to understand the given sentence and the options provided. The sentence states that you are being something in a summary, and this something involves providing facts, details, and plot points without showing your opinion.

Now, let's look at the options provided:

1. "subjective": Subjective means based on personal opinions, feelings, or perspectives. Since the sentence explicitly states that we are not showing our opinion, this term does not fit.

2. "transitionl": This appears to be a misspelled word and does not fit in the given context.

3. "chronologica": This seems to be another misspelled word. The correct term here should be "chronological," which refers to arranging events, facts, or details in the order of their occurrence. This does not fit with the sentence's requirement of not showing opinions.

4. "objective": Objective means based on facts, without personal feelings or biases. This term aligns perfectly with the sentence's requirement of providing facts, details, and plot points without showing your opinion. Therefore, "objective" is the best term that fits the sentence.

In conclusion, the term that best fits the given sentence is "objective."

The term that best fits the following sentence is "objective."
