1. What is point of view?

A. the way a narrator sees and experiences events
2. Which point of view allows the reader to see the perspective of all of the characters?
D. third person omniscient
3. What does foreshadowing accomplish in a story?
D. It provides hints or clues to show what might happen in a story.
4. How does the use of flashbacks affect a reader's understanding of a character?
C. It does this by providing background information or showing past events.
4/4 100% I just took it!!!!

Congratulations on acing your quiz! Here is a further explanation for each question:

1. What is point of view?
Point of view refers to the perspective from which a story is told. It entails the way a narrator sees and experiences events, often influencing the way the story is presented and the readers' understanding of it.

2. Which point of view allows the reader to see the perspective of all the characters?
Third person omniscient point of view allows the reader to see the perspective of all the characters. This means that the narrator knows and reveals the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of multiple characters, giving the reader a broader understanding of the story and its characters.

3. What does foreshadowing accomplish in a story?
Foreshadowing is a literary technique that provides hints or clues about what might happen later in the story. It helps to create suspense, build anticipation, and engage the reader by subtly suggesting future events or outcomes. This can enhance the reader's experience and make the story more engaging.

4. How does the use of flashbacks affect a reader's understanding of a character?
Flashbacks are scenes or events that occurred before the present time in a story and are inserted to provide background information or show past events. By incorporating flashbacks, an author can provide a deeper understanding of a character's history, motivations, or relationships, thus allowing the reader to gain insights into their personality and actions. It enriches the reader's understanding of the character and their development throughout the story.

Again, well done on your perfect score! If you have any more questions or need further explanations, feel free to ask.