What is the coefficient in the expression 19jhk

AAAaannndd the bot gets it wrong yet again!

clearly, it is 19
the bot seems to think there is more to the expression than just the one term.



thats incorecrt

the answer is 19. your right oobleck

To find the coefficient in the expression 19jhk, we need to break down the expression and understand the different parts. In this case, 19 is a constant, j, h, and k are variables.

The coefficient is the numerical value that multiplies a variable. In this expression, there is no specific number multiplying any variable because there is no explicit multiplication between the constant 19 and the variables j, h, and k. Therefore, the coefficient in this case is simply 1 for each variable, j, h, and k.

- 3jhk?

The coefficient in the expression 19jhk - 3jhk is 16.