Unfortunately, I cannot play Genshin Impact with you. However, I can provide you with some tips and tricks to help you get better at the game.

oh okay can I have some tips with bosses then?

Hiya your local Hu Tao main wants to play with ya!


Your in connexus right?

100% yep

well then you should be well aware of the genshin club:D

Well now theres two actually idk who made another one, but some one called Valarie made the first one

Ohh I know who Valarie is.

So she does play genshin I had a feeling;)

mhm! you interested in joining?

Don't see why not. how can I join??

so in a way its kinda hidden, because we don't want a bunch of people who either don't like/ play genshin or just are clowns and they'll flood the club messages with stupid stuff:/

Webmail someone named Valarie in 6th grade, and well type in a message about how you want to play genshin with her, and at the end type: -Elemental Nation-
I know it sounds stupid and cringey but you kinda have to type it for her to send it.

So after you send the webmail she'll send you back a link where the club meeting will be held, and the chat board, as well as the news board