1.) What influence did Henry Ford have on other industries of the time?

A. His keenness for advertising began a marketing revolution? ****

B. His creation of the automobile engine directly led to first flight.

C. His production of passenger automobiles caused railroads to raise passenger fares.

D. His invention of the assembly line was used by other companies for mass production.

2.) In what way did Thomas Edison have the greatest effect on the nation?

A. Indoor activity became possible after dark.

B. Automobiles could be built more efficiently and cheaply.

C. Electrical devices transformed homes and businesses. ****

D. Most jobs in the nation involved technological innovation.

3.) In what area did airplanes first prove to be of practical value?

A. stunt shows

B. mail delivery ****

C. the tourism industry

D. military operations

4.) How did patents affect innovation?

A. They provided licenses for inventions.

B. They provided payments for inventors.

C. They taxed inventions.

D. They provided plans for inventions.
