In △MNO , m∠M=78°, m∠N=34° , and m∠O=68° . In △RST, m∠S=68°, m∠R=78° , and m∠T=34° . Describe the pairs of congruent corresponding angles in the two triangles.(1 point)

1: ∠M≅∠R , ∠N≅∠T , ∠O≅∠S or option C. They mightve changed the order

2: △BAC∼△HIJ (Option A)
3: ABC∼△HGJ (Option B)
4: m∠T=63° (Option C)
5: m∠R=118° (Option B)

The pairs of congruent corresponding angles in the two triangles are m∠M and m∠R, m∠N and m∠T, and m∠O and m∠S.

To find the pairs of congruent corresponding angles in triangles △MNO and △RST, we compare the angle measures of the two triangles.

In △MNO, we have:
m∠M = 78°
m∠N = 34°
m∠O = 68°

In △RST, we have:
m∠S = 68°
m∠R = 78°
m∠T = 34°

From the given angle measures, we can see that the pairs of congruent corresponding angles are:
∠M in △MNO and ∠R in △RST, both have a measure of 78°.
∠N in △MNO and ∠T in △RST, both have a measure of 34°.
∠O in △MNO and ∠S in △RST, both have a measure of 68°.

Therefore, the pairs of congruent corresponding angles in the two triangles are ∠M and ∠R, ∠N and ∠T, and ∠O and ∠S.

To describe the pairs of congruent corresponding angles in the two triangles △MNO and △RST, we need to compare the corresponding angles of the two triangles. Corresponding angles are the angles in similar positions in different triangles.

In this case, we can see that ∠M in △MNO corresponds to ∠R in △RST because they have the same measure of 78°. Similarly, ∠N in △MNO corresponds to ∠T in △RST as they both have a measure of 34°. Lastly, ∠O in △MNO corresponds to ∠S in △RST since they both measure 68°.

Therefore, the pairs of congruent corresponding angles in the two triangles are:
∠M ≅ ∠R
∠N ≅ ∠T
∠O ≅ ∠S

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