Which of the following describes rhyme?(1 point)


the repetition of the same sound at the beginning of words
the repetition of the same sound at the beginning of words

the pattern of stressed and unstressed beats in a poem or other literary text
the pattern of stressed and unstressed beats in a poem or other literary text

the repetition of the same sound at the end of words
the repetition of the same sound at the end of words

the use of a sound, a word or phrase, or a sentence more than once in a passage
the use of a sound, a word or phrase, or a sentence more than once in a passage

The correct option that describes rhyme is: "the repetition of the same sound at the end of words."

To identify rhyme in a poem or literary text, you would typically look for words that have similar ending sounds. Rhyme is the pattern of repetition of similar sounds at the end of words. For example, in the poem "Roses are red, violets are blue" the words "red" and "blue" rhyme because they have the same ending sound. Similarly, "cat" and "hat" rhyme because they both end with the "-at" sound.