Hiya I need some help with 2 questions, please help;)

A person living in an apartment puts down a $300 deposit when they move in and then pays $700 of rent each month for a year. If the apartment is in good condition when they move out, then they get the deposit back. Write an expression to represent the housing cost for this situation if the renter gets the deposit back at the end of m months.

a. 300+700m

b. 700+300m−700

c. 700m−300

d. 300+700m−300

How many variables are in the expression 4b^2+3?

a. 4

b. 3

c. 1

d. 2

d. 300+700m−300 and d. 2

thx so much!

wait, d. 2 was incorrect its actually 1

Question 1:

The housing cost for this situation can be calculated by adding the initial deposit to the total amount paid for rent over the duration of the stay. Since the rent is $700 per month and the total duration is m months, the expression for the housing cost is:

Housing cost = $300 (initial deposit) + $700 (monthly rent) × m (number of months).

Therefore, the correct answer is:

a. 300 + 700m.

To arrive at this answer, we understand that the initial deposit is a one-time payment of $300, and each subsequent month requires a payment of $700 for rent.

Question 2:

The expression is 4b^2 + 3. To determine how many variables are present, we need to identify the variables, which are represented by letters. In this case, the variable is 'b'.

Hence, there is only 1 variable in the expression.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

c. 1.

To find the number of variables in an expression, we look for letters that represent unknowns or variables, such as 'x', 'y', or 'b'. In this case, 'b' is the only variable present.