you buy 3 pounds of organic apples for 7.50 the graph shows the price of a regular apple what is the unit rate for each type of apple

Regular apples: $2.50 per pound

Organic apples: $2.50 per pound

Well, well, well... let's crunch some numbers and see what we can find! If you bought 3 pounds of organic apples for $7.50, the unit rate (price per pound) for organic apples would be 7.50/3, which equals $2.50 per pound. As for the price of regular apples, the graph will provide the necessary information. But remember, don't compare apples to oranges, it's just not "pear"-fectly fair!

To find the unit rate for each type of apple, you need to determine the price per pound for regular apples based on the given information.

- You buy 3 pounds of organic apples for $7.50.

To find the unit rate for regular apples, we need to know the price per pound of the regular apples. Could you please provide the graph or the specific price for regular apples?

To find the unit rate for each type of apple, we need to determine the price per pound for both organic and regular apples.

Let's begin with finding the unit rate for organic apples:
Given that you bought 3 pounds of organic apples for $7.50, divide the total cost by the number of pounds. So, $7.50 ÷ 3 pounds = $2.50 per pound.

Now, let's find the unit rate for regular apples using the graph:
Unfortunately, the graph is missing from your question. If you provide the graph or the respective prices for regular apples, I can help you calculate the unit rate.