The girl in the picture is at the highest point in swinging and starts to cone down. Which statement best describes the changes in energy as she begins to descend?

As the girl begins to descend, her potential energy will decrease while her kinetic energy will increase.

If a monkey drops a banana off of a cliff, where are the potential and kinetic energies of the banana equal.(1 point)

When the girl in the picture starts to descend from the highest point in swinging, there are changes in energy that occur. These changes can be described as follows:

1. Gravitational Potential Energy: As the girl moves downwards, her height decreases, resulting in a decrease in gravitational potential energy. This is because the potential energy is directly proportional to the height, so as the height decreases, the potential energy also decreases.

2. Kinetic Energy: As the girl descends, her speed increases due to the conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy. The gravitational potential energy is converted to kinetic energy as she gains speed during the descent. This means that her kinetic energy increases as she moves downward.

3. Total Mechanical Energy: The total mechanical energy of the system (girl and swing) remains constant if there are no other external forces involved (such as friction). This is known as the law of conservation of energy. As the girl descends, the decrease in potential energy is compensated by an increase in kinetic energy, resulting in the total mechanical energy remaining constant.

So, to summarize, as the girl begins to descend from the highest point in swinging, there is a decrease in gravitational potential energy, an increase in kinetic energy, and the total mechanical energy remains constant.

To understand the changes in energy as the girl in the picture starts to descend while swinging, you need to consider the different forms of energy involved. In this scenario, the main forms of energy are gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy.

Gravitational potential energy is the energy possessed by an object due to its position above the ground or a reference point. When the girl is at the highest point in her swing, she has the greatest amount of gravitational potential energy because she is at the maximum height.

Kinetic energy, on the other hand, is the energy possessed by an object due to its motion. As the girl descends from the highest point, her gravitational potential energy decreases, while her kinetic energy increases.

Therefore, the best statement that describes the changes in energy as she begins to descend would be: Her gravitational potential energy decreases while her kinetic energy increases.

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If a monkey drops a banana off a cliff, where are the potential and kinetic energies of banana equal?

1. At the bottom
2. A quarter of the way down
3. At the top
4. Half way down