Read the passage.

Kevin's school was welcoming an exchange student from Sweden. As soon as the announcement was made, Kevin began to think of ways to convince his parents to participate. If Kevin's family were chosen, the exchange student would reside with them for the school year.

Which best replaces the word reside in the passage?



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To answer the question, we need to find the word or phrase that means the same as "reside" in the given passage. One way to do this is to look for synonyms or similar words.

There are a few options to consider:

1. Stay: This means to remain or live in a place temporarily.
2. Dwell: This means to live or reside in a particular place.
3. Reside (already used in the passage).

Of these options, "stay" and "dwell" both could work as replacements for "reside," but "dwell" is more commonly used in a formal or literary context. Therefore, the best replacement for "reside" in the passage would be "dwell."

Keep in mind that it's always helpful to carefully read the passage and consider the context when making a decision like this.