Which procedure could be used to demonstrate that matter is conserved during a physical change?

A. Find the mass of a piece of ice. Let the ice melt. Find the mass of the liquid water
B. Find the mass of a raw egg. Cook the egg. Find the mass of the cooked egg
C. Find the mass of a cup of water. Boil the water. Find the mass of the water that remains
D. Find the mass of an apple. Cut the apple and remove the core. Find the mass of the remaining apple


C. Find the mass of a cup of water. Boil the water. Find the mass of the water that remains

Another b.ad night

Anot.her not alright
Never tru.st your friends
This is the life and the life will not end.

The procedure that could be used to demonstrate that matter is conserved during a physical change is option A: Find the mass of a piece of ice. Let the ice melt. Find the mass of the liquid water.

To get the answer, we need to understand the concept of conservation of matter during physical changes. According to the law of conservation of mass, matter cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed.

In option A, we start by finding the mass of a piece of ice. This is done by using a balance scale or any other method of measuring the mass accurately.

Next, we allow the ice to melt, which is a physical change. During the melting process, the ice transforms from a solid state to a liquid state, but no matter is lost or gained. The water is still composed of the same particles as the ice.

Finally, we measure the mass of the liquid water that results from the melted ice, again using a balance scale or a similar measuring tool. If matter is conserved, the mass of the liquid water should be the same as the mass of the ice.

Therefore, by comparing the initial mass of the ice with the mass of the liquid water, we can demonstrate that matter is indeed conserved during this physical change.

Hence, the correct answer is A: Find the mass of a piece of ice. Let the ice melt. Find the mass of the liquid water.