What is one way that the industrial revolution’s impact showed itself In the art of realists like Manet

The industrial revolution had a profound impact on the art of realists like Édouard Manet. One way this impact showed itself was through the subject matter and themes depicted in their artworks.

To understand this further, let's break it down:

1. Research the industrial revolution: Begin by learning about the industrial revolution, which was a period of significant technological advancements, urbanization, and changes in society and the economy. This will provide you with a contextual understanding of the historical period.

2. Study the characteristics of realism: Realism was an art movement that emerged during the mid-19th century, advocating for an accurate and objective portrayal of contemporary life. Realist artists aimed to depict everyday people, situations, and social issues, often challenging the romanticized representations seen in previous art movements.

3. Explore Manet's work: Édouard Manet was a prominent realist artist who captured the essence of modern life in his paintings. Look closely at his artwork and pay attention to the subject matter and themes portrayed.

4. Look for industrial elements: In Manet's work, you might observe the inclusion of industrial elements that symbolize or reflect the impact of the industrial revolution. For example, he often depicted scenes of urban and modern life, such as cafes, crowded streets, trains, or factories.

5. Analyze symbolism and social commentary: Manet and other realists often used symbolism and social commentary in their paintings to reflect the social, economic, and cultural changes brought about by industrialization. Look for subtle details, metaphors, or messages hidden within the artwork that may shed light on the effects of the industrial revolution.

By following these steps and exploring the historical context, characteristics of realism, and the specific artworks of realists like Manet, you can gain an understanding of how the impact of the industrial revolution manifested in their art.