Which sentence contains an allusion?

• Sarah worked like Cinderella until all of her chores were done.
• Cinderella is one of the most well-known fairytales of all time.
• Cinderella meets a fairy godmother who saves her from her wicked stepmother and stepsisters.
• Sarah ate buttery popcorn while she watched Cinderella the movie.

Sarah worked like Cinderella until all of her chores were done.

To identify which sentence contains an allusion, let's first understand what an allusion is. An allusion is a figure of speech that refers to a person, place, event, or literary work, often without explicitly mentioning it. It is a way of indirectly referencing something well-known.

Now, let's examine each sentence to determine if it contains an allusion:

1. "Sarah worked like Cinderella until all of her chores were done."
This sentence uses a simile to compare Sarah's work ethic to that of Cinderella. It does not directly reference a well-known person, place, event, or literary work. Therefore, it does not contain an allusion.

2. "Cinderella is one of the most well-known fairytales of all time."
This sentence directly mentions Cinderella, which is a well-known fairytale. It does not make a comparison or reference to something else outside of the fairytale itself. Therefore, it does not contain an allusion.

3. "Cinderella meets a fairy godmother who saves her from her wicked stepmother and stepsisters."
This sentence is a straightforward description of a scene from the fairytale Cinderella. It does not make any indirect references to other well-known people, places, events, or literary works. Therefore, it does not contain an allusion.

4. "Sarah ate buttery popcorn while she watched Cinderella the movie."
This sentence mentions Sarah watching the movie Cinderella. However, since it directly references the fairytale being watched, it is not an allusion.

Based on the analysis, none of the given sentences contain an allusion.

The sentence that contains an allusion is: "Sarah worked like Cinderella until all of her chores were done."