The circumference of the moon is about 6,790 miles. Find the diameter of the moon to the nearest mile. A: 155 miles B: 2,162 miles C: 3,395 miles D: 21,321 miles

C: 3,395 miles

To find the diameter of the moon, we can use the formula for the circumference of a circle:

C = πd

where C is the circumference and d is the diameter.

Given that the circumference of the moon is approximately 6,790 miles, we can plug this value into the equation and solve for d.

6,790 = πd

To isolate d, divide both sides of the equation by π:

d = 6,790 / π

To find the nearest mile, we need to approximate the value of π. Typically, π is approximated as 3.14.

d ≈ 6,790 / 3.14

d ≈ 2,162

Therefore, the diameter of the moon, rounded to the nearest mile, is approximately 2,162 miles.

So the correct answer is B: 2,162 miles.

To find the diameter of the moon, we can use the formula:

Circumference = π * Diameter

Given that the circumference of the moon is approximately 6,790 miles, we can rearrange the formula to solve for the diameter:

Diameter = Circumference / π

Substituting the given value,

Diameter ≈ 6,790 miles / 3.14

Diameter ≈ 2,162 miles

Therefore, the closest answer choice is B: 2,162 miles.