Which measure correctly completes the statement 321.517L = ? mL A: 0.0321517 mL B: 3,215,170 mL C: 321,517 mL D: 32,151.7 mL

A: 0.0321517 mL

To convert liters (L) to milliliters (mL), you need to multiply by 1000. So, you can use the following conversion factor:

1 L = 1000 mL

Now, let's apply this conversion factor to the given value:

321.517 L * 1000 mL/L = 321,517 mL

Therefore, the correct measure that completes the statement 321.517L = ? mL is C: 321,517 mL.

To convert from liters (L) to milliliters (mL), you need to multiply the given value by 1000, since 1 liter is equal to 1000 milliliters.

Let's check each answer choice:

A: 0.0321517 mL
To obtain this answer, you would need to multiply 321.517L by 0.1. This is incorrect because we need to multiply by 1000.

B: 3,215,170 mL
To obtain this answer, you would need to multiply 321.517L by 10,000. This is incorrect because we need to multiply by 1000.

C: 321,517 mL
To obtain this answer, you would need to multiply 321.517L by 1000. This is the correct conversion since 321.517L equals 321,517 mL.

D: 32,151.7 mL
To obtain this answer, you would need to multiply 321.517L by 100. This is incorrect because we need to multiply by 1000.

Therefore, the correct measure that completes the statement is C: 321,517 mL.