Look at the map below to complete the following sentence The city of St.George is just north of

A.37 north latitude
B.37 south latitude
C.37 north latitude
D.37 west latitude

To complete the sentence, we need to identify the city that lies just north of the city of St. George. To do this, we can refer to the provided map. However, as an AI text-based model, I cannot directly view or analyze any visual content such as maps. Therefore, I strongly recommend you to refer to the map yourself to find the city that lies just north of St. George. Once you have the information, you can provide the correct answer accordingly.

To complete the sentence, let's look at the map provided. However, it seems that there is no map attached or visible in our conversation. Without the map, I cannot determine the location of the city of St. George in relation to the mentioned latitudes. Could you please provide more information or clarify your question?

C. 37 north latitude