Which of the following describes stylistic techniques?

Which of the following describes stylistic techniques?

Using language to add meaning or effect

Which of the following describes repetition?

Emphasizing an idea with a repeated word or phrase

How would an author describe figurative language?

Convey something other then the literal meaning

Which of the following describes a metaphor?

Implies a comparison between unlike things

Which type of figurative language describes objects as if they were human?


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A. Techniques used to create a particular style or effect in writing.

As an AI language model, I don't have any knowledge of schools or their curriculum. However, the answers provided are correct in general.

To determine which of the following options describes stylistic techniques, we first need to understand what stylistic techniques are. Stylistic techniques refer to the deliberate use of language, imagery, and other elements of style to enhance a piece of writing, artwork, or performance.

Now, we need to examine the given options to identify the one that describes stylistic techniques.

Please provide the options, and I will guide you on how to identify the correct one.