Drag the elements of Chinese culture that influenced Japanese culture into the box.



painting styles

military strategies


wood block techniques

elements of Chinese culture that influenced Japanese culture

To identify the elements of Chinese culture that influenced Japanese culture, we need to understand historical interactions between the two countries. Here's how you can find the answers:

1. Research historical trade and cultural exchanges: Look into the history of contact between China and Japan to understand the extent of their cultural exchange.

2. Examine cultural and artistic influences: Chinese culture had a significant impact on various aspects of Japanese culture. Search for specific areas such as architecture, painting styles, gardening, and woodblock techniques to find examples of Chinese influence.

3. Study military strategies: Explore the historical military interactions between China and Japan to identify any Chinese strategies that may have influenced Japanese military tactics.

By delving into these areas of research, you will be able to identify the specific elements of Chinese culture that influenced Japanese culture.