Choose the correctly punctuated sentence.

O Mary had a little lamb; its fleece was white as snow.
O Everywhere that Mary went; the lamb was sure to go.
O It followed her to school one day; which was against the rules.
O It made the children laugh and play; to see a lamb at school.

The correctly punctuated sentence is:

O It made the children laugh and play; to see a lamb at school.

To determine the correct answer, we should examine the punctuation in each option. In option A, there is an incorrect semicolon after "lamb" instead of a comma. In option B, there is an incorrect semicolon after "went" instead of a comma. In option C, there is an incorrect semicolon after "day" instead of a comma. Option D, however, contains a semicolon in the appropriate place, separating two independent clauses. Therefore, option D is the correct answer.