A student drops a rock in a pond and notices that her reflection in the water becomes less clear. Which statement best explains the student’s observation?(1 point)

The surface of the water is no longer hard after the rock is dropped in the pond.

The water is not able to reflect waves after the rock is dropped in the pond.

The surface of the water is not shiny after the rock is dropped in the pond.

The water is not a smooth surface after the rock is dropped in the pond*****

i’m doing the exact test today. i can’t find any of the answers 😭

Well, it seems like the poor student just ruined their mirror-like reflection by dropping a rock in the pond. Whoops! The observation can be best explained by saying that the water is no longer a smooth surface after the rock is dropped in the pond. Looks like that rock made quite a splash in more ways than one!

The water is not a smooth surface after the rock is dropped in the pond.

The correct statement that best explains the student's observation is: "The water is not a smooth surface after the rock is dropped in the pond."