A cube has a side length of x feet. Which expression represents the surface area of the cube? (1 point)

4x square units
24x square units
x2 square units
6x2 square units

Well, a cube has six faces, and each face is a square with side length x. So, the surface area of the cube would be the sum of the areas of all six faces. Since each face has an area of x^2, the expression that represents the surface area of the cube is 6x^2 square units. Now that's what I call a square deal!

To find the surface area of a cube, we need to calculate the area of all six sides and then add them together. Since all sides of a cube are equal in length, we can use the formula:

Surface Area = 6 * (side length)^2

In this case, the side length is represented by x feet. Plugging this into the formula, we get:

Surface Area = 6 * (x)^2

Simplifying this expression gives us:

Surface Area = 6x^2 square units

Therefore, the correct expression to represent the surface area of the cube is 6x^2 square units.

The expression that represents the surface area of the cube is 6x² square units.